Empowering Propane Leaders to Improve Their Businesses and Maximize Customer Insights
Unlocking the true value of data extracted from your company’s management software is essential for driving success. When financial numbers are properly organized and interpreted, they provide a clear and accurate picture of your organization’s status, strengths, and weaknesses. Unfortunately, many propane and heating oil leaders focus solely on the bottom line, overlooking the valuable insights that data analysis can offer.
There are three key areas where analyzing data from your management software can help you observe, assess, and improve your company’s performance. Understanding Customers • Demographic Analysis: Gain insights into customers’ demographics and heating equipment age to anticipate trends. • Geographical Insights: Optimize delivery routes, identify customer growth areas, and monitor competitor presence. • Service Usage Assessment: Track profitability and balance between automatic delivery and will-call customers. • Cross-Selling Opportunities: Identify opportunities for service contracts and replacement systems. • Customer Interaction Preferences: Adapt systems to align with customer preferences for ordering and communication. |
Effective Marketing Strategies
• ROI Analysis: Allocate resources strategically based on the highest return on investment. • Competitive Analysis: Compare pricing history with competitors to enhance margins and retain customers. • Incentive Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of loyalty programs, promotions, and sales incentives. • Effective Budget Plan Marketing: Increase participation in price-protected budget plans for customer loyalty. In today’s business landscape, information is the lifeblood of success. It is essential to have your company’s data readily available, accessible, and organized to deliver the measurable insights you need for making informed decisions. With the assistance of award-winning tools like Tank Spotter, propane leaders can unlock the full potential of their businesses by streamlining operations, extracting actionable insights from their systems, and increasing efficiency, safety, and profits to ensure long-term success. Visit TankSpotter.com and get your free demo today. |

Bill Stomp
Lieutenant Commander Bill Stomp, a USNA Annapolis graduate and War Vet, led the information warfare efforts on an Admiral’s staff carrier battle group. Bill leads DigitalSoftwareServices.co that builds tech for the propane industry like TankSpotter.com and CustomFuelApp.com. Mr. Stomp has successfully led over 90 propane delivery branch offices to significant profit improvements by leveraging technology. He successfully started, acquired and sold several businesses and helps companies expedite profit growth by leveraging new technology to improve Safety, Operations, Sales & Marketing. He is a national speaker and technology columnist.
Lieutenant Commander Bill Stomp, a USNA Annapolis graduate and War Vet, led the information warfare efforts on an Admiral’s staff carrier battle group. Bill leads DigitalSoftwareServices.co that builds tech for the propane industry like TankSpotter.com and CustomFuelApp.com. Mr. Stomp has successfully led over 90 propane delivery branch offices to significant profit improvements by leveraging technology. He successfully started, acquired and sold several businesses and helps companies expedite profit growth by leveraging new technology to improve Safety, Operations, Sales & Marketing. He is a national speaker and technology columnist.