WHAT WERE THE THREE BEST propane safety technologies in the propane industry globally? This year the World LPG Association (WLPGA) set out to discover the answer to that question and, at the September World Propane Trade Show, the winners would be unveiled.
The WLPGA did a year long search, evaluation, and review of the safety technologies available on the market around the planet, inviting every safety technology to enter the competition. NPGA, and every propane association searched for the best from their membership and entered them in the competition. In the end they had more than 40 of the world’s best safety technologies entered into the competition. Those companies submitted videos to explain the solutions, submitted pages of documentation, lengthy written answers, technology proofs, and the founders were interviewed. Finally, the best three safety were selected. These technologies had to be judged as something that would truly make a difference for our propane industry – for each individual company, each propane user and for the industry worldwide. Some of the suggested areas of focus were: 1. Newer technologies to improve and expand training in the propane industry; 2. Enhanced leak detection & provision of a faster or automated response; 3. Improvements to processes to conduct inspection and repairs; 4. IoT (Internet of Things) to integrate LPG accessories with appliances and home safety solutions/detectors (e.g. smart home devices); and 5. A radical approach to refresh the culture of safety in organizations to make it more interesting and appealing To say that the best tech in propane portion of the show was exciting is an understatement. In the packed-out theatre, the Bill Stomp is a partner along with 5 other consultants in, who specialize in the propane industry, as well as a partner with, this sector’s first and only complete propane app. |
three companies each had five minutes to pitch their products to the audience. Using slides, videos, and speaking, the founders of the finalists shared amazing technologies that will have a powerful impact for the betterment of our industry and for the companies that use them.
Deemed as the best three technologies for the propane industry that can help improve safety from a world-wide search – the winners are—in no particular order Technology #1 – This was the best technology from North America (beating out all other North American technologies) and is aptly found on the site This app was designed to replace all paper forms, inspections, and documents and automatically verifies them while an employee fills them, sends them back to the office in real time for automatic storage, reporting, and data analytics. It eliminates paperwork and clerical costs while enabling instant incident reporting. It also provides a complete safety |
Bill Stomp author of Propane Tech Insider, Founder of, and to help companies grow profits, improve safety and automate for reduced costs. He can be reached at [email protected]